Everything you use, in one place
iChrome puts all the apps and sites you use on one beautiful, easy to use page
Available on the Chrome Webstore now

Over 250,000 happy users
Changes the way you browse the web. This is the thing I never knew I couldn't live without!
Stephen Woodruff
iChrome New Tab is the best new tab plugin for Chrome. Really nails a simple app that is easy to use, looks beautiful, and yet has just the right level of customizability.
Eric Schuchman
The best home page out there that ties in all your Google stuff. And just keeps getting better all the time. Keep up the good work!
Trevor Stinson
Supercharge your productivity
Quit checking the news, your stocks, the weather, how that game went last night, your stocks again, ... iChrome puts everything you use at your fingertips and updates all the time, lightning fast.
Be inspired
Get motivational quotes and see the world every time you open a new tab! iChrome displays stunning images from a collection of almost 3,000 to keep things fresh
Experience it yourself
Install iChrome now and see how it can change your browsing experience